Begripvol – understanding
Geduldig – patient
Zorgend – caring
Holistische hypnosetherapie – Holistic Hypnosis Therapy
Simpson Protocol
What Simpson Protocol Method can help with Individuals:
What Simpson Protocol Method can help with Company employees from all above and more:
About Zhi Hypnosis:
You may just feel interested and want to experience hypnosis, or you want to find inner peace and balance, gain more control over certain behaviors or habits, resolve some issues, have better physical and energetic body, or be focused on what you are doing, etc….Did your mind just say: “Yes, yes! I am one of these! ”?
I offer comprehensive individual hypnosis sessions to help you for these and more. I use the powerful Simpson Protocol to guide you reach the highest and deepest levels of hypnosis, which allows YOU to access these root causes of the issue, safely and without trauma and remove their charge or energy that causes the issue or issues.
MOST IMPORTANTLY by using Simpson Protocol: I don’t have to know your story or any particulars about your situation – you know, your mind knows and that is what causes the change. You don’t have to tell me anything- unless you choose.
Sessions: duration / fee / pre-talk
Consultation – 30 min. – free
First session – 2 to 3 hours – 225€ (incl.VAT)
Follow-up sessions – 1 to 1,5 hours – 115€ per hour (incl. VAT)
=> Recommended: 3 complete session package to start – 450€ (incl. VAT)
The pre-talk video following that may help you understand more about my sessions, please roll to the bottom of the main page on to click the video.